EXAMPLE OF FEE STRUCTURE; first check is $1,000.00, the second check is $1,850.00 and the final check is $150.00, the total is $3,000.00. Our 15% fee for this amount would be $450.00, the balance of $2,550.00 is all yours to keep. The fee is not payable until you receive the $3,000.00.
Asset Distribution Center is so confident, that the cash that you are entitled to is in the hundreds or thousands of dollars, that if your total cash is less than $500.00 (total of all checks received) THERE WILL BE NO FEE, NO CHARGE, GUARANTEED, you keep it all, its on us and thank you for letting us help you in this tough economy.
Our fee of 15% is soley based on locating the cash, locating the rightful owners, and informing the rightful owners what the assets are, and where the funds can be claimed. There is NO additional fee for Asset Distribution Center to assist you with filing, processing, and in the recovery of your cash.
You obviously would like your cash as soon as possible and Asset Distribution Center would like our fee as soon as possible. Many of these companies would prefer you file the claim on your own, to delay distributing your cash. We may be able to prevent many of these delay tactics.