PO Box 116
Buffalo New York, NY 14226
447 Brighton Rd. Suite #3
Tonawanda, New York 14150
(toll free 716-777-3063)
Monday - Sunday 8:00 AM -11:00 AM
Monday -Tuesday 6:00 PM 8:00 PM (EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME)
Asset Distribution Center locates insurance benefits, that insurance companies have not distributed to there rightful owners. Then we search for, and locate these individuals. Asset Distribution Center has located insurance benefits that belong to you. Insurance companies DO NOT distribute funds unless the beneficiary claims them. They do not look for beneficiaries, may not even know that the insured is deceased, and are happy to keep the funds. Asset Distribution Center has distributed thousands of dollars to consumers just like you.
NO MONEY DOWN, NO FEE until you receive the check(s). No ifs, ands or buts, no money ever comes out of your pocket. We get paid only after you get paid. The check(s) are payable to you. The check(s) will come from a REPUTABLE INSTITUTION, so you can verify its authenticity. No check(s) will ever be directly mailed to Asset Distribution Center. The check(s) will always be mailed directly to you, and payable to you. You receive the check(s) and only then you mail Asset Distribution Center our fee of 15% (of the total of all check(s) received).
Again, NO CREDIT CARD INFORMATION, NO SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, NO CASH UPFRONT, no personal information will be requested. We know all we need to know about you, in reference to claiming your cash. Obviously, the only reason you would hesitate claiming your money is because of SCAMS out there. Scammers will not give you phone numbers to call, or websites to review. SCAMMERS WANT CASH, CREDIT CARD INFORMATION, OR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS UPFRONT. YOU WILL NEVER GIVE US ANY OF THESE ITEMS! ASSET DISTRIBUTION CENTER WILL NEVER ASK FOR THEM! IF WE DO, YOU CAN SAY NO THANK YOU.
Unfortunately, we also need to protect ourselves, because you receive the thousands of dollars before we receive our 15% fee. So, commonsense, the only way to resolve these issues is a legal and binding General Agreement. The agreement states, if you DO NOT receive money you pay nothing, and if you receive less then $500.00 you pay nothing. The agreement is our protection and also your protection, because you have a copy of the General Agreement that states the same. NO MONEY, NO FEE, SIMPLE!
We want you to get your cash. If you are reviewing our website, you have received your one and only contact from Asset Distribution Center. We will only contact you ONE TIME! We are not here to harass or bother you with numerous calls. If you do not want your cash that's up to you. There is nothing more we can do. Asset Distribution Center will move on to our next client, and you will lose hundreds or thousands of dollars.
(716) 777-3063